Woman-centered birthkeeping
Hi, I’m Bea - birth keeper, weaver, and aspiring homesteader based in the Berkshire hills of Western Massachusetts. I hold tender, grounded space for mothers to practice what they’ve intuitively done since the beginning of time - birth their babies with autonomy through mother-led decision making.
Prenatally, our sessions together will center directly around what's arising in your life, pregnancy, and beyond to clear any blockages that may be present in your body and psyche. Through breathwork, meditation, body awareness, and somatic releasing we'll work to settle the nervous system as you evolve into your birthing time. No one knows your body more than you do.
Early Pregnancy Release Healing
Whether you have chosen to consciously release a pregnancy or your body has chosen to do so, I am here for the space holding and nourishment needed during this time. I will offer ways of healing and tending to the body through deep listening, nutrition suggestions, ritual and more.
Mother Blessing : As a woman transitions from maiden to mother it is a right of passage that often gets overlooked in our culture. This ceremony is a time to come together with the women in your life and be truly seen and celebrated before embarking on the journey into birth. It is prayer in action and in love.
Closing of the Bones: Across cultures, women have been held in sacred space after giving birth as a way of honoring the mental, physical, and spiritual transformations that have taken place. You deserve to be nourished, supported, and loved during this holy time.
Birth is a rite of passage. It is a time of introspection, expansion, and growth. And I believe it is your birthright to have the birth you truly long for. Do you long to be truly seen and held throughout your pregnancy? Do you trust your body to go through this primal process but want support and space holding for your process? And maybe some resources to hone your values around birth?
You are a divine being with innate wisdom and possibility within you. It's my understanding that the most profound healers create space for one to heal themselves. And that is my mission when working together. Healing is an inside job. I will do my best to hold up a mirror and illuminate the intricacies of your being. To be a birth keeper is to walk alongside women through the depths of their being. The highs and lows that come with transformational experiences. It is one of the highest honors I get to experience as a birth keeper.
Sovereign birth is about remembering our way home to ourselves, cultivating the community we need to do so and understanding our primal nature as humans. I trust you to know your body more than anyone else. We live in an instinct-injured culture and have to do the work of coming back to ourselves. There is grief in this work but that comes with incredible gifts.
Thanks for dropping by! If you are interested in working with me, drop me a line below and I will be in touch as soon as I can